Lowest Price in a Year on the DFM Small Carpenter Square (was $55 now $35)
Amazon has the DFM Small Carpenter square on a Black Friday sale matching lowest price ever offered on Amazon. 36% off the regular price of $55 down to just $35. This is one of my favorite small squares to use for woodworking in my shop.
Also the DFM Saw Height Gauge for the lowest price ever as well https://amzn.to/3R9Spjf
About the DFM Square
Perfect 3.5" x 3.75" size for fitting in your pocket or apron
1/16" Scribe Holes in 1/16" increments up to 3"
QTY 5 - 1/4" Pin Holes for Marking Polygon Miters w/ included pin
Large enough to cross mark 2 x 4 lumber
All Components MADE IN USA
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25% off Milescraft GrabberPro